Saturday, April 21, 2007
i think it's really cool we have a sexy blog now. but no one's posting.i cried alot in sch on thurs because my RGGE GOT GOLD WITH HONOURS FOR SYF!!!
a random friend taught me the long version of the bimbo cheer.
4, 3, 2, 1
Like totally for sure!
I even got a manicure
The sun, I swear
Is bleaching up my gorgeous hair
Red, purple, yellow, green
What's the colour of my team?
I don't know
I don't care
How should I do my hair?
Go, go, fight, fight
Gee I hope I look alright
Like go, like go,
Like go team yeah
-cheer hysterically.
yay so fun. i think i am not a bimbo. because when i tried saying that my friend told me i sounded like pri sch kid reciting school pledge. so nevermind.
the 10km macritchie route is like hell la. i tried it just now and i died. you guys all shouldn't run at macritchie. very bad for the knees.