Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hey class! Mr Ding’s dingaling quick eh? I’m close to collapsing now so I shall make this short and sweet.I really enjoyed the camp and it was great just escaping from school, even if it was just for slightly more than 24 hours. All the things we did- the girls cheering in extremely low voices with Harold and
I’m not the mushy/cheesy kind of girl who says touching stuff, much less write notes to everyone like Yufang/Wendy/Sophia (thanks girls). But yeah, the past 2 days and 1 night have been.. Great (for the lack of a better word).
Tzung, on the point about me modeling the way, seriously I think it was YOU who was really doing it. Everyone knows what a thrill-seeking junkie I am, and jumping 4 stories off is really nothing to me. But you, despite all your fears, just heck-ed everything and bravely threw your life away. Respect to you dude, seriously. Thanks for being such a wonderful co CT rep. I’m always the one full of shit (literally) and you’re always around to pull me back to reality. Somehow fate worked its way and with our peculiar meeting, we ended up being classmates and working together as CT reps. Thank you Ding.
To those who didn’t manage to go, we PROMISE we will come up with another camp. Screw chalets; let’s get dirty and disgusting and eat from mass tins filled with unknown 6 legged (maybe more) creatures. The outdoors is great and we really should savour it before we grow too old and too busy for such things (we saw fireflies, first time in our lives!).
Well, last of all, I think we owe a big thank you to Mr Koh, Miss Wong and Mr Tan for being such great facilitators, especially Mr Koh. Do say hi to them when you see them in school!
Photos will be up soon, give me some time.
Dinosaur (RAWR)