Saturday, May 5, 2007
I think I love 6S alot more now.Anyway adventure camp was damn scary. It was really super duper duper duper duper to the power of infinity scary. I couldn't say I enjoyed some parts of it. But yeah I think I grew up somehow, trying to force myself to do certain things I absolutely hate.
When I jumped off the bloody zipline I felt like dying. And I thought, and I still think, that I would rather do a full marathon than jump off that again. But still I'm glad I did do it.
I almost didn't. Thank you SOPHIA, for inspiring me to go up. I know you're really scared also but still you were so optimistic and so gung-ho and I was like shaking and my legs were turning jelly and we were down there below the tower and I was like freaking out but you reassured me and I LOVE YOU GIRL. And public message #1: I AM SO PROUD OF SOPHIA THE NEW INTERACT PRES. You have the true passion and you love the cca, and you didn't covet the position for power and you sincerely want to make a difference. You're damn wonderful, really. And thank you GABBY. At the bottom of the tower sophia was pulling one hand and encouraging me to go up. And you were telling me it's going to be ok and all helped. But I freaked out cos at first I wasn't sure whether I wanted to do it and sophia was like going to go already and I was holding her hand so I grabbed onto yours cos I was scared cos my instincts told me to stay on ground level. Sorry hor. And thank you BIXUE AND EVELYN. Who were also with me when I was breaking down already before jumping, and reassuring me that I could do it, and that it would be ok.
So in the end right, it really wasn't ok la. I really really don't like it. Like the during's really really not ok for me. But after that it was ok, and it was more than ok because it was good, and I felt very proud of myself. And actually thank you all the people who were scared of heights also but still did all those high elements. I was inspired. People like TZUNG, HAROLD...not sure who else were afraid (sorry if i leave out) but I think most of you were and you didn't show it at all.
And I'm really sorry if my tears scared you people...Thank you for all the comforting and yeah, I felt alot of love from you guys (:
To the people who weren't scared of heights. Like SIAN (: I guess in a way I can't really say that you were brave to do the high ropes, because being brave is doing things that you are afraid to do, but you guys also put things in perspective for me la. Cos my fear of heights is so acute it's highly irrational in a way. And like for sianying you're scared of other things what. Like the dark and you did complete nightwalk! So yes you were brave too.
And I think everyone is very brave. In their very own unique way.
This is like some thanking spree.
I shall also thank the people who fed me food. I was cooking and got no hands and if you guys hadn't fed me I would have probably suffered a nasty bout of gastric. In no particular order..
1. sophia
2. bixue
3. tzung
4. evelyn
5. harold
6. gabby
7. xiayi
8. wendy
I hope I didn't miss out anyone.
And for the rest of you whom I've not mentioned and basically to the whole class..Thanks for encouraging me la. And for participating so actively and going out of your comfort zone (like mixiao's really quiet but he still did a great job at camp), and for people like lihwei thanks for capturing the moments on camera and yah. Further elaborations are like in your notes, I wrote to almost all of you, but
wendy, sophia, bixue,
I owe you your letters ok. Another day.
And yes we need another camp/chalet/overnightish sort of activity, because what is a class camp without the WHOLE CLASS.