Friday, May 4, 2007
Thank you friends...
hey PEOPLE !It was an AWESOME CAMP !!! and my arse and thighs still be hurtin from the zipline ride... BUT IT WAS GOOD. Time really flies. dah the camp was WAY too short. I really enjoyed the time i shared with all of you, really wish it lasted a couple more days. Now that im at home, i have this craving to go rockclimbing and just chill out with you all for a few more full days. 6Sers, you guys are a special bunch to me.
I know i was quite quiet during the time of reflection after the walk. But now that Im on a post-camp high and have had my teh ping, after nearly TWO WHOLE DAYS of fasting, i can think more clearly (sort of).So allow me to give glory to whom it is due. Ladies first. (in no order of.... merit? hah)
Well, what can i say. You're really WONDERWOMAN. Sometimes i feel really ashamed as CT rep next to you haha. Im sure all of you can see that im obviously the less enthusiastic and less lively CT rep. The SIANsation has really been the driving force behind most of the work, the pro-active initiator, the one who's REALLY worried and caring for you guys (not that i dont at all haha). Im actually a very SIAN person to tell you truthfully, without sian ying, let's just say lots wouldn get done, I wouldn be as motivated as a rep and you guys wouldn have as much fun as you did. You, the height junky, were the one who was really, as Wendy said, "modelling the way"... i was actually just like damn pai sei so just heck la... follow you hahaha, id have to do it sooner or later anyway. You're like the small but invigorating shot of espresso and im just a cup of teh BING...with much lower caffeine content. haha. So RESPECT to you, SY!
Big thanks for being food i/c and getting all the ingredients for dinner! I really admire the way you so enthusiastically took on the role and offered your time and energy to do all this. i think we'd all agree that dinner was wonderful... personally i think we totally owned the other class' meal (oops hahaha shhhhh). Yup. I know it was a major task thinking about what to buy, how much to buy and so on. It's not easy feeding such a large group, so WELL DONE! You the (wo)MAN !
You, my friend, are a real hero. I know you're still afraid of heights (so am i), and i think now i understand how petrified you are of heights. But the fact that you still took on the challenge and did all the challenge rope courses, rock climbing, absailing and the MONSTER zipline, shows that you are one courageous young lady. It's something to be fearless and complete everything with ease, but what's really impressive is to have your knees shaking while you're up there, yet you force yourself to face your fears and go ahead with it. I really admire you for that :) Thanks for cooking dinner too! The dishes were random, no doubt, but really tasty! Yeah, you were like perpetually at the stove so ppl had to come feed you and stuff haha. Thanks a lot for always encouraging all of us in little ways (e.g. writing notes). I think i speak for everyone when i say that those little things really mean a lot to us. Three cheers for you!
hmm... haha. im speechless. Evelyn you're another amazing one. Your determination at the high elements was really inspiring. Even though you kept slipping at the rock wall and were obviously really tired, you pushed yourself to the max and kept trying and trying. *kowtows* hats off to you evelyn ! Thanks for being so enthusiastic! It's really motivating to watch you do all the activities. You're really somethin!
Well the reason why i put you two together is coz you both wrote to us together. So i just wanted to thank you both together first for your notes too. It was really encouraging to read them, it really made my day :)
So now.... Wendy... I find it hard to believe you dont drink coffee or teh (which is like my source of energy that i usually cant do without) Your zest, bubbliness and smile is perpetually THERE. Thank you for ALWAYS showing so much enthusiasm and putting in your best effort in everything that you do. The plans for games were really great! Really sry we couldn use them though coz of the restrictions. Just wanted to tell you, coz i probably haven't, that your cheerfulness is really contagious! Everytime you smile and like wave wildly (okay mabe not THAT wildly) and go like " HI TZUNG SIANG !" it really boosts my spirits, haha i dunno why it just does. It's in the simple things :) Oh and im sorry if i scared you with the library ghost story. haha.
Oh my SHIT! Sophia! hahaha.. well fellow heights-chicken... you are really something too! You did really well with the high elements too even though you were afraid. I was really impressed and like totally speechless when you did the two claps on the first course. i really respect you, as a leader, really i do. I think you really got the potential to do great things. You're like OBVIOUSLY more responsible than i am, i know everytime you suan me abt being blur and frivolous i give u that look like "hey... what was that for." but actually it's true la, i cant match up to you ;) Now that you're interact president, in the words of harold foo, "just shuddup and climb la!" hahah. CLIMB HIGH AND SHINE !
ok now my brothers, i'll keep it short and simple.
You imba piece of china! Pull yourself up the rope with just your arms, making jumps on the rockwall, doing crunches in the bunk. wa lao. haha YOU IS DA BOMB OF STRENGTH. RESPECT TO YOU, MY TONG ZHI ! QIAN JING!
You suck.
ahaha jokin la. Thanks for being so supportive. Though you did suan me that one time when i was doing the first high rope challenge and i made up my mind to zham you once i finished it. hah. Really sad that a lot of noisemakers like nicole and jayne have left, but at least we still got you around to cover for them! hah. It would have been really boring without you at camp. We appreciate your presence.
yo man, your arms damn squishy hehehe. thanks for bringing the fun! Having you on our team for frisbee was awesome la. Yup. It was good.
You is the ZAINESS. Man you were like the first to make it across through the "window of opportunity" AHAHAHAHA the name is uber corny.
Man of many ideas. Thanks for being so participative! I hope you had fun! Share your computer programming thing with us sometime, im sure it's quite cool.
Dude, thanks for taking photos! Quietly and secretly recording all the action for us! Just wanted to say that we really appreciate it. Yup.... TELETUBBIES !! hahahah I'll never forget that randomness on the zipline. cheers.
Murder scene Co-star ! haha you are one fun dude to mess around with (i mean mess around WITH not as in mess around with you)... We shd make MORE random videos, i think we're getting better at it. hah. First the finger one, now this. Cheers bro.
Well, this camp was a really big thing for me... coz as you know (or not), Im really afraid of heights (you have no idea). Yup. So ... big accomplishment for me, finishing all the high elements. I rmb Wendy saying that me and sian ying were "modelling the way" by going first. Mabe sian ying was, but well surprise surprise I just wanted to get it over and done with. haha. BUT i couldnt have done it without encouragement and support from all you guys.. and for that i thank you :) You guys helped me conquer my fear of heights, and i've learnt to enjoy these things. Im actually looking forward to more of this stuff at the CCAL camp, which is so not me. hah. You PEOPLE rock! You have no idea how grateful i am to you all.
To those who couldnt join us, DONT FEEL DISAPPOINTED. It was kinda sucky not having the whole class there and I PROMISE you that WE will put something together at the end of the year, mabe a chalet/bbq or a picnic by the beach or camping trip somewhere, to chill out and make up for the time that we didnt spend with you guys.
6Sers, God Bless you all.