Saturday, January 12, 2008
You don't know songs like I do
Look you can mix modern music with lyrics from Science! I would like to thank this page for the song (you'll get a better quality video too), you can also find the lyrics there, and understand it if you know enough biology.
I used one of this polymerase chain reaction (PCR) machine before, and I'll tell you, it saves a lot of hard work. Before there was PCR it was damn difficult to get the DNA you collected to replicate, hence DNA samples were always very, very, VERY precious. It is thanks to PCR that forensic Science is at the high tech level it is today. Now, you can make as many DNA copies as you want from any blood sample, and you can sent it to as many forensic labs you care to name to confirm the DNA match.
Of course to interpret the DNA requires gene sequencing, another tedious process, luckily scientists get round that by just sequencing a few crucial genes, and not the entire DNA.
So for making all our lives easier, and making the world safer, and also causing people to be more honest of whose parents their babies really are, I urge you all to help support PCR. Please they need all the funds they can get before they start R&D on a faster genomic sequencer.
For other biological titbits, watch this:
There's a narrated version here.