Monday, March 24, 2008
Interesting video to think about...
[Its a little quiet here after CTs, I wonder why.]Well, I'm not a proponent of emo songs and stuff, but my English teacher did a quick analysis of the song and video during secondary school and I thought it was quite interesting. The main theme of this segment of the video is about rigidity in education.
The concepts behind the Brick in the Wall series by Pink Floyd is quite good in my opinion, do check it out.
[Warning: May have scenes that provoke mildly strong reactions (a.k.a disturbing), but nothing politically incorrect]
Here's the segment:
And, if you have the time, watch the concept video which has some even more interesting motifs and abstractions used:
Want to see the literature/video analysis of the whole thing?
For those who are somewhat disturbed by the videos (or CT results), here's something to lighten things up:
Good luck for CT results!