Monday, May 26, 2008
Night Cycling
hey all,hope you're all enjoying the pseudo-holiday.
Alright SY and I were thinking of planning a night cycling outting.
It'll go something like this:
- We all sleep in till abt 1pm on that day, so we'll have sufficient rest for the night.
- Meet in sch in the afternoon to mug till night.
- At night we shove our barang into our lockers and head off. Cycle from bishan to city hall.
- Makan and talk cock at Lau Pa sat.
- Cycle ard somemore, and head back to school. ETA: 6am +
- Shower in school, nap a little.
- Wake up for breakfast.
- Back to studying in school / Go home (up to you, but seeing that CTs are coming we shd study)
For those who dont have bikes, there's a bike kiosk at bishan park.
Lemme know asap which days you'll be free for the next two weeks.