Friday, June 27, 2008
The truth shall matter, and not be silenced
Now, we all know that their are physical differences between the male and female bodies. Such difference include height and weight, and the more imaginative of you could point out some other things too. But, more importantly, there is also difference in brain structure and gene expression in the brain between the sexes. In layman terms, our brains are made up of different stuff.And the interesting thing about that is, it appears that the brains of homosexuals are structured in the way of the opposite sex. Yes, that's right, homosexuals develop the wrong brains (ha, I said that and I have evidence, what can you do about it?) And there's also nothing much they can do about it. If only we can dissect brains, switch them, and reconnect everything... ...

However the more important point of this is, why am I posting this. And my answer would be quite familiar: Because I Can.
And to take home a learning point, we all are not equal, whether that inequality is born with or is nurtured through the environment (and in more cases both, except for identical twins). And that means that Science has the right to comment that guys are smarter than girls, or that Europeans are smarter than Africans if those indeed turn out to be the facts (and I have a pretty good feeling about the latter one), without the accusation of being sexist or racist. Inequality beats equality any day, hands down. And I'll spurn those spineless ninnies who insist that everyone is equal as I would spurn a rabid dog.