Friday, July 18, 2008
Introducing, Mr. Richard Feynman
Okay, I admit I've always wanted to read his autobiography books but never found the time to. Today, I decided to read a random chapter from his autobiography book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" and found it quite interesting...\Chapter09
This chapter is about his experiences trying out some field that is not physics...
Well, I'm not in a very coherent mode now, so I shall just say its a very entertaining and interesting read.
If you're interested, you can read his whole book here:
For those who have questions on physics, I recommend reading the "The Feynman Lectures on Physics" series. They're really good, stuffing what we learn in lectures into three books. The cooler thing is that Feynman has this ability to explain everything in simple and easy to understand text, so it should be easier to digest than the often confusing lecture notes we get. Very useful for quick lookup and A Levels mugging.
I don't think the library has this, maybe in some secret locked up section since its quite expensive. (Wendy, get the library to buy/release this!)
Update Wendy: "I think the library has four sets in total. One set is available for loan, two sets are in the red spot section and one more set under reference."