Monday, December 8, 2008
Whatever, i'm tired of keeping quiet for once.
Jan Lin, i've known you for almost six years already.
This situation; i've already seen before in secondary school. I know i was not from yous class, but i'm sure you remember rvcc.
The thing is, you constantly seek to antagonise people, whether it be by petty insults, trivial arguments or controversial content.
I'm not sure whether its due to your condition, but i'm not inclined to find out. It is not my obligation, as much as you think it is.
It may be a form of attention seeking, and while it may be quite effective in the short term (as is obvious here), you'll alienate everyone around you. Very quickly.
People in rvcc didn't mean to hate you. People in 6s don't either. If you'll find some better way to seek attention, (maybe by being a better FRIEND, and not "cutting ties" when i'm too busy to answer a few of your calls), this wouldn't be happening again and again.
Don't you get tired of all this? Don't you get tired of being alone? Don't you get tired of having me as one of your few friends for what, four years now?
You know what? I don't think its all due to yous condition. You use it as a front to hide behind all the time because you want to think that if you didn't have this syndrome, you will be a perfect human being, and the whole world is at fault for not letting you be "perfect".
You blame ethics for preventing science from progressing fast enough to prevent this or cure you. You blame religion for its incompatibility with science. You blame your family for not knowing about this until now. You blame peers or people seeking equality for trying to integrate you instead of "curing" you.
You blame the whole damn world, except yourself and turn to science as your hope of finding a solution, and to darwinism as consolation that it is not your fault.
I'll continue listing, but i'll spare you the rest.
Guess what? It is mostly your fault for lacking effort on your part, and you are and will not be perfect either as others have clearly pointed out.
You have problems that don't just result from your condition. I don't think that all sufferers naturally think that they are completely superior in every way to their peers, that is, if you even consider us as peers.
Look, we're fine with a person having flaws, because really, who doesn't?
Just accept that you are not the most intelligent, not the most knowledgable, not the most "correct".
Seeing you arguing with our classmates, it makes me very sad.
Because i've already seen it happen once.
And we both know the results.
You know what? I'm getting sick of this. I'm in tekong way past lights out and i have pt at 530 later, and i have to type this crap on the phone. Really, just stop.
I've had enough. Just... Whatever. Do whatever you want. Screw this, i'm going to bed.
Sorry class i dragged the blog into this shit.