Thursday, October 25, 2007
Fun with Photo Booth
So yere bored I hear ye say? Then step right up for the circus of whacky faces brought to you by equally bored people (Ding, Sophia, Xiayi and I)!Let er roll!
First up we have Big Eyed Dingy head, known to have escaped from a drawing Picasso did:

Up next is the Alien chimp known to be the descendent of Bush-o-chimp:

Oh the similarities are just astounding!
Next up is our very own breed of the Jackie Chan big nosed look-a-likes, they do Kung-fu kicks that make you scream for yer lives:

Get closer, get very close, I don't bite! Grrrr....
Next in our lineup is our cute chubby faced sponge. Its cuter than SpongeBob! (tm)

Step away SpongeBob, your career's officially over, kids are gonna buy more ChubbySponge plushies than yours!
And next, we ask for you to rise and warmly welcome our president Sophia whose face is so round, its full of brains!

And for the grand finale, we have our family of alien kids just doing weird stuff (viewer discretion required):

Ms Long Forehead and Mr Long Face

Ms Long Forehead and Mr Long Face and Mr Brains (you can see his blood veins on his forehead)

Mr Brains and his Simese twin brother. The twin brother was later removed due to Mr Brains totally absorbing his brain. Thus Mr Brain is known to have a split personality and talks to himself sometimes.

Mr Big Fist helping the brother of Ms Long Forehead digging his ear as well as an unknown person in the background who sources rumour to be the cousin of Marge Simpsons

And here, you see the Long Forehead siblings together
And as a bonus, we are going to show you previously unreleased photographs of new found aliens. Highly disturbing and highly open for speculations.

The one eyed monster, seen here, has one eye (duh), small nose and small mouth. Specialists speculate that he may be in love as seen by the heart shaped glasses he wears. ("He" is used here as an assumption, the actual gender is yet unknown)

The same one eyed monster, taken 3 minutes since the previous photo, shows him grown by almost half his previous size. It may be that these aliens have a fast growth rate. This alien is also still in love.

Here, we see three aliens that look surprisingly like two main characters from the Master Q series. Our specialists however says that the middle alien seems more to be going through binary fission and the other two seem like random aliens just admiring the wonders of reproduction.

The same one eyed monster, taken 3 minutes since the previous photo, shows him grown by almost twice his original size. Specialists warn that we may be in danger. This alien is also still in love. And love just makes him even more dangerous.

And this is the result of what happens after an alien goes through binary fission.

Hmm, what is this... could it be?

Oh yes, and here she is, (who we speculate as) the queen of this unknown alien race. The one who rules them all, the one who has the power, the one who controls and the one who interacts...
Seen behind her is her two personal bodygards, see the fearsome look on their faces as they prepare to devour anyone who tries to endanger her majesty the great.

Finally, a very blurred photo taken before losing contact with our photography agent, what is it?
We thank you all for coming to our lineup, the exit is to the top. Please leave your barf bags behind, they will be reused for the good of Mother Nature.

Monday, October 22, 2007
"can he swing from a thread? no he cant. he's a sponge."Starring: Xiayi (a.k.a. The Sponge)
Voice-over: Ding and your friendly neighbourhood dinosaur.
___ SING-A-LONG ___
Friendly neighbourhood spiderSPONGE.
Wealth and fame he's ignored.
Action is his reward.
To him life is a great big wadeva up thing blablabla
Whereever yadayadayada
You'll find a spider.......

Thursday, October 18, 2007
here is the "end-product" of our little
weave-a-story game
during chem lecture (:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Super Retarded Dog
"because im going to KILL yoooou.... and you're going to die...."

Friday, October 5, 2007
the m1 advert
i think this is mr.vadirjc econs teacher.

prank calls.
hello alll.more things for our boring lives.
here's another one (:

Thursday, October 4, 2007
In your yard I am the Ferengi man, very odd and chunky
just when u thought there couldn be anything better than Girly Man... ...