Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hulu, but not so easy.
Hah, if all the episodes of SouthPark is not enough for you, you're (almost) in luck.Introducing, an online video on demand service similar to youtube offering streaming video of TV shows and movies (yes, full feature length movies), primarily from NBC and FOX and their cable networks. Yes, that means cool stuff like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Saturday Night Live!
The catch is, it is only available to American residents only. The site actually does well filtering non American internet users, but all hope is not lost.
There is a nice thing known as a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Without going through all the details, it allows one to connect multiple computers over the internet as if they are within a local network. This also means that one can use it to connect to the internet from a remote computer or server residing in another country.
Now, there's no such thing as a free lunch and nobody offers such a service for free. Fortunately, there are ad supported services out there (aka you see ads when you surf the net). One particular service recommended (not by me) is Hotspot Shield.
Download it here (you may have problems getting it, just keep trying):
Install it but DO NOTE THAT IT TRIES TO INSTALL AN OPTIONAL INTERNET TOOLBAR, so be sure to uncheck that option when installing.
Now, run it, when it connects, navigate to and enjoy!
I cannot guarantee that the Hotspot Shield software is safe as I have yet to fully analyse it. Initial tests shows that it runs a pre-packaged version of OpenVPN, which is safe and I am very accustomed to, but I cannot guarantee that it hasn't been evil-ly modified. I am in the process of reverse engineering the software so that I do not need to rely on it.
It should also be noted that the software will redirect all your internet surfing through their servers, so internet experience will differ (as sites such as Google and Yahoo will think that you are from America), and private data may be compromised.
Also note that as with all man in the middle situations, any data sent out may be compromised, so practice safe habits when using the application. I cannot be responsible for any loss or damage due to this.
Have fun!

Antoine Dufour (guitar) and Tommy Gauthier (fiddle)
This is new, dont know what the title is."SPIRITUAL GROOVE"
These guys are amazing... No matter how many times i listen to this, i dont get sick of it... It's such a perfect match of instrumental textures.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Every Single Southpark Episode Is Now Officially Available Free Online.. And Uncensored!!!Via Cowboycaleb

Monday, March 24, 2008
Interesting video to think about...
[Its a little quiet here after CTs, I wonder why.]Well, I'm not a proponent of emo songs and stuff, but my English teacher did a quick analysis of the song and video during secondary school and I thought it was quite interesting. The main theme of this segment of the video is about rigidity in education.
The concepts behind the Brick in the Wall series by Pink Floyd is quite good in my opinion, do check it out.
[Warning: May have scenes that provoke mildly strong reactions (a.k.a disturbing), but nothing politically incorrect]
Here's the segment:
And, if you have the time, watch the concept video which has some even more interesting motifs and abstractions used:
Want to see the literature/video analysis of the whole thing?
For those who are somewhat disturbed by the videos (or CT results), here's something to lighten things up:
Good luck for CT results!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Solving the problem of a wobbly table
Gone is the bane of wobbly tables!A mathematician solved the problem - all you have to do is rotate it about its centre until it becomes stable. He even created a theorem to prove it o_O
If you're interested, there's an elaboration at

Friday, March 14, 2008
Ken Lee
Thursday, March 13, 2008
More stuff to "destress" with
Gee... Seems like everybody gets stressed 7 days into mugging.Anyway, here are some stuff to "destress" with; and if you're guilty of slacking, be comforted by knowing that these videos are "quite" educational.
I shall be lazy, they're all here:
(Be sure to visit the link at the bottom of the article for more related videos!)
As an added bonus, here you have a visualisation of an electron:
More information regarding the above video and all the scientific thingamajig:
Please, continue mugging.

hi everyone here's a really cool video if you're too stressed out from studying :)

Sunday, March 9, 2008
the terrorist.
you guys gonna love this!we can forget about the "toiletbreak" incident for a while.
and enjoy this (:

Argh... No... Too late
Ok, I finally found what I really wanted to post for biology Friday, but it's no longer Friday, or the day after Friday. Oh well, posting it up anyway.In a small lab in Switzerland, 20 scientists from around the world have gathered here bringing along with them tons of IBM chips. Meet Blue Brian, the most ambitious project ever undertaken yet to try to simulate a brain. Here scientists deal with some of the most complex questions ever to be asked by the human race, like "How do you extract experience out from neural circuits? (Hint: Reverse Engineering)", or "How does each individual component of the brain work, is it repeatable?", or even "How not to bang into a wall?"
And so with that, I now present to you their presentation of how the computer presents its version of how the mice brain is presented in reality:

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Was it Friday already?
Well, so I was scouring the net yesterday for some interesting biology titbits, unfortunately, I couldn't find any. So Biology Friday (postponed) will be posting an old video about how the mind work.And when you come to the part where he says blue whales are the largest animal to live on earth, you know better.
Note: Biology Friday will be cancelled next week due to common tests.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Raul Midon
Check out the skills on this guy... He'll be coming for the Mosaic Festival 08.AMAZING huh?
now guess what. Swallow this...
He's blind.

Saturday, March 1, 2008
What happens when two big ideals collide?
In the clash between freedom of speech and diversity, what would you sacrifice?The other parts can be found in the video responses.
And wind energy maybe be clean, but that doesn't mean you should live beside it.

A little something we noticed...
hey ppl!come for music fest on Monday! Gabriel's playing! Shunta's playing! Jazz is playing! Bagus is playing (LYYYYNNNNN ;P) did i miss anyone? hehe
come come come.
between V

and Jan...

V again up close...

and JAN!!!

They look alike. I rest my case.